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== Information From Past Meetings ==
== Information From Past Meetings ==
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1) NSH_SFC 1701 release plan updated on this wiki. The milestones will be one week post VPP' milestones.
2) NSH Proxy and NSH Classifier those two features are in good shape. Features implementation done after initial
test, there is no dependency on VPP' API change, but it still needs to depend on Yang model change in HC to ensure they
can be integrated with ODL SFC. HC API freeze is Dec 14th, and Hongjun is working to ensure the Yang model
and API changes will be accepted before HC API freeze.
3) ODL SFC in Carbon release will support above two features, and the SFC 104 test will enable a working demo.
4) NSH-aware VNFs in current proposal could be treated as NSH Proxy collocates with SF, there are two issues problems
raised by Joel need to address in the near future:
    a. We need SFs to be natively NSH-aware, meaning they can manipulate metadata inside the NSH. Current implementation
      looks like NSH Proxy co-locate with SFs but SFs can only see the original frames.
    b. How to handle NAT like or TCP Proxy like SFs after they change the headers of the inner headers which are typically
      used as key to determine which next graph node is? The initial thought is to add some information to per-packet metadata
      before packets go into the SF, and the metadata can be used to determine if it needs to be re-encapsulated by NSH_SFC graph node.
      Hongjun is going to investigate it.
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Revision as of 01:21, 6 December 2016

Meeting Details

Weekly on Monday, 60min, from 16:00 - 17:00 PDT.

Join Skype Meeting

Join by phone +1(916)356-2663 (or your local bridge access #) Choose bridge 5. (Global) English (United States)

Conference ID: 133570463

Find a local number


The next NSH_SFC meeting is scheduled for Monday 4th Dec

  • Blocking issues (before VPP/HC code freeze) for NSH Proxy and Classifier in 1701 release
  • Proposal review: NSH-aware VNFs

Information From Past Meetings


1) NSH_SFC 1701 release plan updated on this wiki. The milestones will be one week post VPP' milestones.

2) NSH Proxy and NSH Classifier those two features are in good shape. Features implementation done after initial test, there is no dependency on VPP' API change, but it still needs to depend on Yang model change in HC to ensure they can be integrated with ODL SFC. HC API freeze is Dec 14th, and Hongjun is working to ensure the Yang model and API changes will be accepted before HC API freeze.

3) ODL SFC in Carbon release will support above two features, and the SFC 104 test will enable a working demo.

4) NSH-aware VNFs in current proposal could be treated as NSH Proxy collocates with SF, there are two issues problems raised by Joel need to address in the near future:

   a. We need SFs to be natively NSH-aware, meaning they can manipulate metadata inside the NSH. Current implementation
      looks like NSH Proxy co-locate with SFs but SFs can only see the original frames.
   b. How to handle NAT like or TCP Proxy like SFs after they change the headers of the inner headers which are typically
      used as key to determine which next graph node is? The initial thought is to add some information to per-packet metadata
      before packets go into the SF, and the metadata can be used to determine if it needs to be re-encapsulated by NSH_SFC graph node.
      Hongjun is going to investigate it.


1) Hongjun to consolidate review comments to his patch https://gerrit.fd.io/r/3944 for enabling VPP Proxy

2) Keith mentioned VPP has included initial TLV support which could be used for enabling NSH MD Type 2, but seems there are only a few use cases (e.g. IOAM support by Frank and NSH timestamping support) demanding this feature. Implementing MD Type 2 is already in JIRA but mark it a a low priority item to be enabled post 1701 release unless there is solid requirement.

3) Rotating meeting every other week proposal is rejected due to people prefer consistent meeting time and it is hard to pick up a suitable time slot for three GEOs: US, Europe and PRC. Currently, 4:00pm PST every Monday is selected for two major code contributors Keith Burn and Hongjun Ni to attend, and Danny will reschedule the new weekly Lync meeting serious and figure out the way to sync up with Hakan and Markus on a regular basis.

4) Danny needs to update NSH_SFC Wiki page to reflect his role as new PTL and ensure this wiki is active.

5) Danny to work out release schedule for 1701 release and add stories to JIRA, below three ones are already added: a) https://jira.fd.io/browse/NSHSFC-15 NSHSFC-15 Enable NSH Proxy feature to support integrating NSH-unware SFs into SFC b) https://jira.fd.io/browse/NSHSFC-16 NSHSFC-16 NSH Classifier enablement c) https://jira.fd.io/browse/NSHSFC-17 NSHSFC-17 Enable VPP to be NSH-aware

6) Not able to review NSH_Aware SFs high level design diagram, so Danny/Hongjun need to upload the diagram to Google doc for NSH_SFC community to review offline, and probably discuss it in next weekly meeting.


The following list of gerrit patches do the integration work:


https://gerrit.fd.io/r/#/c/2118/ jvpp support for nsh.


https://gerrit.fd.io/r/#/c/2527/ HONEYCOMB-46: Add Nsh Map in Honeycomb

which depends on this patch:

https://gerrit.fd.io/r/#/c/2481/9 HONEYCOMB-46: Add Nsh Entry in Honeycomb

(3).ODL SFC:

https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/42699/ Add VPP Renderer

Actually, there are only two issues remained, but I think they won’t block the integration test.

(4).The building failure due to “mvn” commands are not supported in Jenkins.

       We have discussed this issue on weekly meeting, and Ed Warnicke will fix it.

(5). HC Plugin could not reuse the VxlanGpeCustomizer within the HC code base.

      I have sent an email to discuss this issue with Maros and Marek.
      The details are as follows:

In nsh-map Yang model, there is an augmentation:

 augment /vpp-nsh/nsh-maps/nsh-map {
   ext:augment-identifier vxlan-gpe-encap-augment;
   when "/encap-type = 'vpp-nsh:vxlan-gpe-encap-type' ";
   uses v3po:vxlan-gpe-base-attributes;

How can I reuse the VxlanGpeCustomizer within the HC code base?

I tried to register VxlanGpeCustomizer into VppNshWriterFactory, but it failed.



  • AIs from 6/6 meeting
  • Gerrit patch review by committers
  • Hongjun as committer



  • Patch 1124
  • Release discussion - most of these topics will have to be covered on mailer
    • Best time for longer meeting.
    • Alignment to VPP releases
    • Timing
    • Features
    • Repo structure
    • Packaging
  • Jenkins
    • Need Jenkins verify job
  • CSIT
    • See ONE, their repo is all CSIT testing


AI: Keith to document VM setup for testing traffic (SFF client and SF "proxy") Status: AI: Keith to schedule next TWS call (Jun13) for edwarnicke to do Jenkins TOI at TWS Status: Done AI: (sic CSIT) Keith to take this to the mailer looking for volunteers. Status: