NSH SFC/CommitterTasks/CutRelease

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Instructions for nsh_sfc release manager

  1. It is strongly recommended you do this a day or two prior to release if you are relatively sure all needed code for the release is in
  2. Update the pom.xml version for the honeycomb jars to v17.01.
    1. https://git.fd.io/nsh_sfc/tree/nsh-plugin/java/pom.xml
    2. https://git.fd.io/nsh_sfc/tree/nsh-plugin/java/jvpp/pom.xml
    3. Merged patch.


  1. Lay tag for “v17.01” on patch that is “last patch in series" (see Pushing and Testing a Tag but note NO -rcX suffix!!!)
  2. “remerge” patch on that commit - so it creates various artifacts.
    1. Do remerge as per this picture
  3. Once remerge jobs have successfully completed open case with LF staff to move artifacts to release repo
    1. email helpdesk@fd.io using the email template below, substituting ${release number} with the release number (like 17.01) and ${release number without '.'} with the release number without '.' (like 1701).
  4. Wait for LF infra staff to indicate they have completed the case
  5. Test install behaviour on currently supported platforms (ie Centos7.2, Ubuntu Trusty, Ubuntu Xenial) - use instructions for NSH_SFC/Installing_NSH_SFC_binaries_from_packages here to install 'release' packages and make sure you get a runnable version for ${release number} using release artifacts
    1. Install binary packages and verify NSH_SFC starts on supported VMs without any prior NSH_SFC installed
    2. Repeat above but upgrading from prior release of NSH_SFC to new release
  6. Contact csit-dev to ask how they want to test the new artifacts.

helpdesk email template

Subject: Publish nsh_sfc release artifacts

nsh_sfc has completed release ${release number}.  

Please copy:

https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.stable.${release number without '.'}.centos7/io/fd/nsh_sfc/*/${release number}-release.x86_64/*.rpm


https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.centos7/io/fd/nsh_sfc/*/${release number}-release.x86_64/*.rpm

Please note: the groupId will be io.fd.nsh_sfc, the maven version will be ${release_number}-release.x86_64, the artifactId will be the '*' between io/fd/nsh_sfc/ and ${release_number}-release.x86_64

Please copy:

https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.stable.${release number}.ubuntu.trusty.main/io/fd/nsh_sfc/*/${release number}_amd64/*.deb 


https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.ubuntu.trusty.main/io/fd/nsh_sfc/*/${release number}_amd64/*.deb 

Please note: the groupId will be io.fd.nsh_sfc, the maven version will be ${release_number}_amd64, the artifactId will be the '*' between io/fd/nsh_sfc/ and ${release number}_amd64

Please copy:

https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.stable.${release number}.ubuntu.xenial.main/io/fd/nsh_sfc/*/${release number}_amd64/*.deb 


https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.ubuntu.xenial.main/io/fd/nsh_sfc/*/${release number}_amd64/*.deb

Please note: the groupId will be io.fd.nsh_sfc, the maven version will be ${release_number}_amd64, the artifactId will be the '*' between io/fd/nsh_sfc/ and ${release number}_amd64

When performing the rpm/deb of these copies, please make sure to *not* copy the .pom files.

Please copy

https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.snapshot/io/fd/nsh_sfc/*/${release number}-SNAPSHOT/*.jar 
where you select the jar file with the highest build number


https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.release/io/fd/nsh_sfc/*/${release number}/*.jar 

Please note: the groupId will be io.fd.nsh_sfc, the maven version will be ${release_number}, the artifactId will be the '*' between io/fd/nsh_sfc/ and ${release number}

For the jar case, please do use the .pom files, but please clip out the -SNAPSHOT in the version fields.