[hide]P4VPP Project Meetings
Weekly Project Meetings are currently every Monday at 8:00 am PT, 11:00 am ET, 4:00 pm IT. As the community grows, this project meeting time may shift to accommodate more geographies. Audio/Web Conferencing details:
Meeting number: 204 722 006
Meeting Password: p4-vpp (740877 from phones)
To join from a browser: https://cisco.webex.com/ciscosales/j.php?MTID=m917fa25f6ee9f022acc3d42d2d4cd07c
To join directly via phone: +1-408-525-6800 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) +1-866-432-9903 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
Meeting Minutes, Action Items
Sept 18th, 2017
Andy Keep - Present current status of Project and High level design details: P4VPP Status 9-18-2017
Skip Booth - Create P4VPP Wiki structure and Setup Webex meeting (Done)
CIan - Kick the tires on the initial implementation and start to map the P4 V1Switch and PSA externs into VPP Libraries
Goal is to get the initial code migration from the private Github repository into the Gerrit repo by Oct 2nd.
Next meeting on Sept 25th, 8:00 am PT
Sept 25th, 2017
Andy - Presented status update on his work. Mentioned that checksum would be a good extern to implement.
Cian - Will investigate manual modification of code to test initial implementation and work on implementing a library for the checksum extern.
Next meeting on October 9th, 8:00 am PT