From fd.io
CSIT Jobs Listing
- task: verify vpp code changes as they come - functional tests
- job: vpp-csit-verify-virl
- triggers: gerrit change commit, "recheck" patch comment
- vpp code: vpp master branch PLUS gerrit change under test
- csit code: csit-verified-tag
- testbed: LF VIRL compute nodes
- status: WORKING
- task: verify vpp code changes as they come - performance short tests
- job: vpp-csit-verify-hw-perf-short
- triggers: "verify-perf-short" patch comment
- vpp code: vpp master branch PLUS gerrit change under test
- csit code: csit-verified-tag
- testbed: LF HW compute nodes
- status: WORKING
- task: verify vpp code changes as they come - performance long tests
- job: vpp-csit-verify-hw-perf-long
- triggers: "verify-perf-long" patch comment
- vpp code: vpp master branch PLUS gerrit change under test
- csit code: csit-verified-tag
- testbed: LF HW compute nodes
- status: WORKING
- task: verify vpp code changes as they come - performance all tests
- job: vpp-csit-verify-hw-perf-all
- triggers: "verify-perf-all" patch comment
- vpp code: vpp master branch PLUS gerrit change under test
- csit code: csit-verified-tag
- testbed: LF HW compute nodes
- status: WORKING
- task: identify vpp-master-verified vpp build for csit-* jobs and provide trending reports – semiweekly
- job: csit-vpp-master-verify-semiweekly
- triggers: periodic semiweekly
- vpp code: latest build from nexus repository (deposited by vpp-merge-master job)
- https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.dev/io/fd/vpp/vpp/*
- on success: update vpp-master-verified vpp build reference in csit bootstrap scripts
- csit code: csit-verified-tag
- testbed: LF VIRL for functional and HW compute nodes for performance
- status: OPEN / PARTIAL
- task: verify csit code changes as they come - functional tests
- job: csit-vpp-functional-virl
- triggers: gerrit change commit, "recheck" patch comment
- vpp code: vpp-master-verified vpp build
- csit code: csit master branch PLUS gerrit change
- testbed: LF VIRL compute nodes
- status: WORKING
- task: verify csit code changes as they come - performance tests
- job: csit-vpp-perf-hw-all
- triggers: gerrit change commit, "recheck" patch comment
- vpp code: vpp-master-verified vpp build
- csit code: csit master branch PLUS gerrit change
- testbed: LF HW compute nodes
- status: WORKING
- task: verify csit code against vpp-master-verified vpp build – weekly
- job: csit-vpp-verify-weekly
- triggers: periodic weekly
- vpp code: vpp-master-verified vpp build
- csit code: csit master branch
- on success: update csit-verified-tag
- testbed: LF HW compute nodes
- status: OPEN