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VIRL infrastructure open tasks
This is the current working list of identified tasks for CSIT VIRL testbeds. It is updated periodically
- The most important tasks
- [WIP] Address issue with clearing old (garbage) simulations on every VIRL server. Use built-in VIRL simulation expire timer instead of cron kill job.
- [WIP] VIRL1 server upgrade to ubuntu16.04, VIRL-core ver. 10.32.8, OpenStack Mitaka.
- [OPEN] - Cron job to delete old (more then 2 weeks?) files in /tmp directory on every VIRL server
- crontab -e
- 0 0 * * * * find /var/log/libvirt/qemu -type f -mtime +14 -name "instance*.log" -delete
- 0 0 * * * * find /tmp -type f -atime +14 -name "*.deb" -delete
- 0 0 * * * * find /tmp -type f -atime +14 -name "*.rpm" -delete
- 0 0 * * * * find /nfs/scratch/ -type d -mtime +14 -name "session-*"
- [OPEN] - Currently the latest nested VM image is used for all Ubuntu/Centos images - we need solution to be able to link different nested VM images to different ubuntu/centos images
- [WIP] Centos7 tests instability - root cause found and fixed on upgraded VIRL1 server. Centos7 productization subject to completing VIRL1 upgrade, followed by remaining servers VIRL2, VIRL3.
- Other tasks
- CSIT-116 [1]: Modify VIRL and nested-VM username/password
- CSIT-159 [2]: Nested VM: Replace cisco/cisco credentials with csit/csit
- CSIT-160 [3]: Ubuntu VM: Replace cisco login with csit
- CSIT-145 [4]: Out-of-band access to SUTs
- CSIT-151 [5]: Do not destroy VM in case of test failure due to infrastructure issue
- CSIT-150 [6]: Health-check to capture TG/SUT environment after failed test case
- CSIT-202 [7]: Execute start/stop-testcase scripts from git repository
- CSIT-115 [8]: Usage and status monitoring of VIRL hosts
- CSIT-112 [9]: VIRL infrastructure periodic creation and distribution of images
- CSIT-90 [10]: Nested-VM boot-up failed
- CSIT-210 [11]: Nested VM to include l3fwd startup script
- CSIT-161 [12]: Update nested VM qemu library to use 3rd serial console
- CSIT-356 [13]: Update VIRL testbed creation to allow specification of centos image
- Tracking only
- [WIP] VIRL server - currently in TESTING status because of some issue (VIRL licence, keystone), we need to move it to PRODUCTION status. This should not interfere with operation. Will move into PRODUCTION once VIRL-core ver. 10.32.8 +Mitaka productized.