Project Proposals/TLDK
Transport Layer Development Kit (TLDK)
Project Contact Name and Email
Tim O'Driscoll (email: LF ID: timodriscoll)
Repository Name
The TLDK (Transport Layer Development Kit) project will implement a set of libraries for L4 protocol processing (UDP, TCP etc.) and VPP graph nodes, plugins, etc using those libraries to implement a host stack.
The TLDK project scope is:
- The project scope includes implementing a set of libraries for L4 protocol processing (UDP, TCP etc.) for both IPv4 and IPv6.
- The project scope includes creating VPP graph nodes, plugins etc using those libraries to implement a host stack.
- The project scope includes such mechanisms (netlink agents, packaging, etc) necessary to make the resulting host stack easily usable by existing non-vpp aware software.
Initial Committers
- Konstantin Ananyev (LF ID konstantin_ananyev)
- Keith Wiles (LF ID: keithwiles)
- Ed Warnicke (LF ID: hagbard)
Vendor Neutral
No current or expected issues with vendor neutrality. The project will initially be developed using DPDK as the Network I/O layer. DPDK is a vendor-neutral, multi-architecture project. The project can be extended in future to support other Network I/O layers.
Meets Board Policy (including IPR, being within Board defined Scope etc)
Meets board policy as expressed in Technical Community Charter and IP Policy
- Request for Project proposal consideration
- Email: (place link to email to TSC proposing project, this can be obtained from TSC Archives
- Date: (date proposed, makes it simpler to calculate the pre-requisite 2 week time period of gestation before being permitted to be voted on)