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Android SDK

This is the CCNx Distillery software distribution for Android. It is in charge of pulling together all the necessary modules to build a full CCNx software suite for Android.



Install tools to build libcurl

If Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full build-essential automake libconfig9 libtool lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 unzip \
      default-jdk libx11-xcb-dev libfontconfig1 libgl1-mesa-dev cmake

If Max Os X

$ brew install automake libconfig libtool

Quick Start

Clone this distro

$ git clone -b android-sdk/master android-sdk
$ cd android-sdk

Export Android Sdk path

$ export SDK_PATH=/Users/angelomantellini/Library/Android/sdk

Export Android Ndk path

$ export SDK_PATH=/Users/angelomantellini/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle

Export Android Android CMAKE path

$ export SDK_PATH=/Users/angelomantellini/Library/Android/sdk/cmake/3.6.3155560/bin

If the previous variables are not set, Sdk, Ndk and CMake for android will be downloaded

Compile everything (dependencies and CCNx modules)

$ make all

The CCNx software will be installed in androidSdk/usr

To compile Metis for android app (ccnxandroidmetis)

$ make android_metis

To install the application

$ adb install -r MetisForwarder/app/build/outputs/apk/metis-forwarder-armeabi-v7a-release.apk

To compile IGet for android app (ccnxandroidmetis)

$ make android_iget

To install the application

$ adb install -r iGetAndroid/app/build/outputs/apk/iget-armeabi-v7a-release.apk


  • Android

Getting Started

To get simple help run make. This will give you a list of possible targets to execute. You will basically want to download all the sources and compile.

Here's a short summary:

  • curl-clean - Clean curl files and libs
  • boost-clean - Clean boost files and libs
  • openssl-clean - Clean opennssl files and libs
  • crystax-clean - Clean crystax files and libs
  • event-clean - Clean libevent files and libs
  • crystaxndk-clean - Clean crystax ndk files
  • xml2-clean - Clean libxml2 files and libs
  • dependencies-clean - Clean all dependencies files and libs
  • sdk-clean - Clean sdk files
  • ndk-clean - Clean ndk files
  • cmake-clean - Clean cmake files
  • androidsdk-clean - Clean sdk, ndk and cmake files
  • cframework-clean - Clean cframework (libparc and longbow) files and libs
  • ccnxlibs-clean - Clean ccnxlibs files and libs
  • sb-forwarder-clean - Clean sb-forwarder (metis) files and libs
  • libicnet-clean - Clean libicnet files and libs
  • libdash-clean - Clean libdash files and libs
  • qt-clean - Clean qt environment files and libs
  • all-clean - Clean all files and libs
  • android_metis - Build metis apk for android
  • android_metis_debug - Build metis apk for android in debug mode
  • android_iget - Build iGet apk for android
  • android_iget_debug - Build iGet apk for android in debug mode
  • android_viper - Build Viper apk for android
  • android_iget_debug - Build Viper apk for android in debug mode


Distillery can be configured in multiple ways. Please check the config directory (specifically config/ for more information.

Pre built packages