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Revision as of 07:39, 24 September 2020 by Muscariello (Talk | contribs)

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For developers

Read this first

Pushing Code with git review

For committers and developers:

git clone ssh://USERNAME@gerrit.fd.io:29418/vpp.git

The hicn-stack repository is available from gerrit:

git clone https://gerrit.fd.io/r/hicn

There is a mirror on github:

git clone https://github.com/FDio/hicn.git

It is possible to submit a patch with the following steps:

  • 1 open an issue on fd.io Jira and take the issue number unless the issue already exists.
  • 2 create a new branch with the command
    git checkout -b <jira issue number>
  • 3 add to the modified files to the patch with
    git add -u
    if there are not new files, or
    git add <list new files>
    if there are new files
  • 4 commit the patch with
    git commit -s
    and put a comment with the issue number taken from fd.io Jira
  • 5 push the patch on gerrit for the review with
    git review
  • 6 add a reviewer on gerrit code review page.

If a modification of non merged patch is needed, it is possible to resubmit the patch with:

  • 1 add to the modified files to the patch with
    git add -u
  • 2 modify the commit of the new patch with
    git commit -s --amend
  • 3 push the patch on gerrit for the review with
    git review

An account on Linux Foundation is necessary.

If you do not want your patch to be merged, append DO_NOT_MERGE to the Jira issue ID.

Other resources related to the hICN project can be found at github icn-team

It is possible to submit a patch with the following steps:

  • 1 open an issue on fd.io Jira and take the issue number (Always set a Component)
  • 2 go to the icn-team github repository and fork it
  • 3 clone on your pc the forked project with
    git clone https://github.com/<account name>/<project name>.git
  • 4 enter in the folder of the cloned project and create a branch with
cd <project name>
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
  • 5 modify the code and push the modification with
git commit -am "<message>"
git push origin <new-branch-name>
  • 6 go to the icn-team github project page and click on pull request and after on New pull request and after on compare across forks and select as head repository the branch on your personal github account.
  • 7 click on Create new pull request, leave an exhaustive comment, the link to the fd.io Jira issue and click on Create pull request

hICN Kanban boards (Must have a Linux Foundation account).