ONE/Simple test setup

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This tutorial shows how to use VPP lite to build a simple/toy LISP overlay on an Ubuntu host using namespaces and af_packet.


Ubuntu host

ODL Beryllium


add pretty pic


Host and vpp configs


Create namespace and set up interface in linux

# path to vpp executable and configurations folder

# make sure there are no vpp instances running
pkill vpp
# delete previous incarnations if they exist
ip netns exec intervppns ifconfig vppbr down
ip netns exec intervppns brctl delbr vppbr
ip link del dev veth_vpp1 &> /dev/null
ip link del dev veth_vpp2 &> /dev/null
ip link del dev veth_intervpp1 &> /dev/null
ip link del dev veth_intervpp2 &> /dev/null
ip link del dev veth_odl &> /dev/null
ip netns del vppns1 &> /dev/null
ip netns del vppns2 &> /dev/null
ip netns del intervppns &> /dev/null
if [ "$1" == "clean" ] ; then
  exit 0;

# create vpp to clients and inter-vpp namespaces
ip netns add vppns1
ip netns add vppns2
ip netns add intervppns

# create vpp and odl interfaces and set them in intervppns 
ip link add veth_intervpp1 type veth peer name intervpp1
ip link add veth_intervpp2 type veth peer name intervpp2
ip link add veth_odl type veth peer name odl
ip link set dev intervpp1 up
ip link set dev intervpp2 up
ip link set dev odl up
ip link set dev veth_intervpp1 up netns intervppns
ip link set dev veth_intervpp2 up netns intervppns
ip link set dev veth_odl up netns intervppns

# create bridge in intervppns and add vpp and odl interfaces 
ip netns exec intervppns brctl addbr vppbr
ip netns exec intervppns brctl addif vppbr veth_intervpp1
ip netns exec intervppns brctl addif vppbr veth_intervpp2
ip netns exec intervppns brctl addif vppbr veth_odl
ip netns exec intervppns ifconfig vppbr up
# create and configure 1st veth client to vpp pair
ip link add veth_vpp1 type veth peer name vpp1
ip link set dev vpp1 up
ip link set dev veth_vpp1 up netns vppns1
ip netns exec vppns1 \
  bash -c "
    ip link set dev lo up
    ip addr add dev veth_vpp1
    ip route add via
# create and configure 2nd veth client to vpp pair
ip link add veth_vpp2 type veth peer name vpp2
ip link set dev vpp2 up
ip link set dev veth_vpp2 up netns vppns2
ip netns exec vppns2 \
  bash -c "
    ip link set dev lo up
    ip addr add dev veth_vpp2
    ip route add via

# set odl iface ip and disable checksum offloading
ifconfig odl
ethtool --offload  odl rx off tx off

# start vpp1 and vpp2 in separate chroot
sudo $VPP_LITE_BIN \
  unix { log /tmp/vpp1.log cli-listen \
         localhost:5002 full-coredump \
         exec $VPP_LITE_CONF/vpp1.config } \
  api-trace { on } chroot {prefix xtr1}
sudo $VPP_LITE_BIN \
  unix { log /tmp/vpp2.log cli-listen \
         localhost:5003 full-coredump exec $VPP_LITE_CONF/vpp2.config } \
  api-trace { on } chroot {prefix xtr2}

vpp 1 config

This is the configure script for vpp1. First create and configure the client and wan facing af_packet interfaces and afterwards enable and configure LISP-GPE. The WAN facing interface is used as locator (underlay attachment point), the LAN facing prefix is configured as a local eid (overlay address) and finally the map-resolver address is added.

create host-interface name vpp1
set int state host-vpp1 up
set int ip address host-vpp1

create host-interface name intervpp1
set int state host-intervpp1 up
set int ip address host-intervpp1

lisp gpe enable

lisp locator-set add ls1 iface host-intervpp1 p 1 w 1
lisp eid-table add eid locator-set ls1
lisp map-resolver add

vpp 2


create host-interface name vpp2
set int state host-vpp2 up
set int ip address host-vpp2

lisp config

set int ip address GigabitEthernet2/4/0
set int state GigabitEthernet2/4/0 up

set int ip address GigabitEthernet2/5/0
set int state GigabitEthernet2/5/0 up

lisp gpe enable

lisp locator-set add ls1 iface GigabitEthernet2/5/0 p 1 w 1
lisp eid-table add eid locator-set ls1
lisp map-resolver add


ip netns exec vpp1 ping