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| FD.io Mini-Summit || 2016-09-26 || Towards a single virtualized data path for VPP || Zhihong Wang <zhihong.wang@intel.com> || [[File:Towards a single virtualized data path for VPP.pptx|thumb|FD.io mini-summit presentation: Towards a single virtualized data path for VPP]] ||
| FD.io Mini-Summit || 2016-09-26 || Towards a single virtualized data path for VPP || Zhihong Wang <zhihong.wang@intel.com> || [[File:Towards a single virtualized data path for VPP.pptx|thumb|FD.io mini-summit presentation: Towards a single virtualized data path for VPP]] ||
| FD.io Mini-Summit || 2016-09-26 || High Speed Solutions in VPP to Accelerate Container Networking--Howto and Deep Dive || Zhihong Wang <zhihong.wang@intel.com> || [[File:High Speed Solutions in VPP to Accelerate Container Networking--Howto and Deep Dive.pptx|thumb|FD.io mini summit presentation material.]] ||

Revision as of 07:12, 8 October 2016


This page is intended for folks who are presenting fd.io to various groups to post who they are, when they have (or will present) and the slides they use to facilitate slide sharing :)


Note: This is not claiming to be complete as its kept up by presenters voluntarily reporting (please try to maintain date order)

Event Date Theme Presenter Deck Notes
OpenDaylight Design Forum 2016-02-29 fd.io Intro Ed Warnicke <hagbard@gmail.com IRC: edwarnicke File:Fdio intro 2016-03-10.pptx
OpenDaylight Design Forum 2016-02-29 fd.io and Honeycomb Ed Warnicke <hagbard@gmail.com IRC: edwarnicke File:Honeycomb and Fdio.pptx
Open Network Summit 2016-03-15 fd.io is the future Ed Warnicke <hagbard@gmail.com IRC: edwarnicke File:Fdio is the future.pptx
Open Network Summit 2016-03-15 Intro to fd.io Ed Warnicke <hagbard@gmail.com IRC: edwarnicke File:Fdio intro - ONS -2016-03-16.pptx
Open Network Summit 2016-03-17 Packet Processed Storage in a Software Defined World Ash Young <ashlee@wildernessvoice.com IRC: ashyoung File:Packet Processed Storage in a Software Defined World.pptx
OpNFV Technical Workstream Meeting 2016-03-30 Intro to fd.io Ed Warnicke <hagbard@gmail.com IRC: edwarnicke File:Fdio intro - 2016-03-30.pptx
fd.io Training/Hackfest 2016-04-05 Faster Dave Ward File:Fdio Ward - 2016-04-05.pptx
fd.io Training/Hackfest 2016-04-05 All Technical Content Various Events/Training-2016-04-Content
TSC meeting 2016-04-28 2016 May 31st Paris FD.io event proposal Pierre Pfister <ppfister@cisco.com> File:2016 May Paris FD.io Traing proposal.pptx
fd.io Webinar 2016-05-25 fd.io is the future of software dataplanes Ed Warnicke <eaw@cisco.com> File:Fdio is the future of software dataplanes - v2.pptx
OPNFV Summit - FD.io/DPDK Mini Summit 2016-06-21 Session 1 - Introduction (DPDK, FD.io) Ed Warnicke <eaw@cisco.com>, Tim O'Driscoll <tim.odriscoll@intel.com> File:Introductory Session.pptx
OPNFV Summit - FD.io/DPDK Mini Summit 2016-06-21 Session 2 - NFV Virtual Switching Thomas F Herbert <therbert@redhat.com>; Mark Gray <mark.d.gray@intel.com>; Chris Price <chrispriceab@gmail.com> File:NFV vSwitch Requirements.pptx
OPNFV Summit - FD.io/DPDK Mini Summit 2016-06-21 Session 3 - SDN Controller/Orchestration Joel Halpern <joel.halpern@ericsson.com>; Frank Brockners <fbrockne@cisco.com>; File:SDN Controller Orchestration.pptx
OPNFV Summit - FD.io/DPDK Mini Summit 2016-06-21 Session 4 - Data Plane Acceleration Keith Wiles <keith.wiles@intel.com> File:Data Acceleration.pptx
OPNFV Summit - FD.io/DPDK Mini Summit 2016-06-21 Session 5 - Service Assurance Carlos Goncalves <Carlos.Goncalves@neclab.eu>; Maryam Tahhan <maryam.tahhan@intel.com> File:Service Assurance.pptx
OPNFV Summit - FD.io/DPDK Mini Summit 2016-06-21 Roadmap/Feedback Discussion Chris Donley <christopher.donley@huawei.com> File:Roadmap Feedback Discussion.pptx
Linuxcon NA 2016 2016-08-24 Intro to fd.io Ed Warnicke <eaw@cisco.com> File:Fd.io intro - Linuxcon NA 2016.pptx
Linuxcon NA 2016 2016-08-24 ONE-LISP intro Florin Coras <fcoras@cisco.com> File:ONE-LISP - Linuxcon NA 2016.pptx
TWS Meeting 2016-08-30 Intro to DPDK Cryptodev and VPP PoC Tommy Long <thomas.long@intel.com>, Sergio Gonzalez Monroy <sergio.gonzalez.monroy@intel.com> File:FDio Cryptodev Pres Final v2.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 fd.io Intro Ed Warnicke <eaw@cisco.com> File:Fd.io intro - fd.io minisummit 2016-09-26.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 TLDK Status Update Keith Wiles <keith.wiles@intel.com> File:Fd io-TLDK-2016-09-26.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 ML2 OpenStack integration Jerome Tollet <jtollet@cisco.com> File:ML2-minisummit-09262016.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 VPP vhost performance and optimization Pierre Pfister <ppfister@cisco.com> File:FD.io mini-summit 916 Vhost Performance and Optimization.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 VPP and containers - communications vs networking Keith Burns <alagalah@gmail.com> File:Fdio minisummit - containers (theme).pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 ODL SFC and VPP Integration Yi Yang <yi.y.yang@intel.com> File:ODL SFC and VPP Integration.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 Enabling VPP IPsec Offload Tommy Long <Thomas.long@intel.com> File:FDio mini summit ipsec v2.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 Chinac's Experience of VPP in OpenStack Shaopeng Ho <heshaopeng@chinac.com> File:Chinac's Experience of VPP in OpenStack.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 FastDataStack: Building a fast and flexible platform for high performance applications using FD.io Frank Brockners <fbrockne@cisco.com> FastDataStacks
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 Programmable Overlays with VPP and ODL LISP Flow Mapping Service Vina Ermagan <vermagan@cisco.com> File:Programmable Overlays with ONE ODL Summit 2016.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 Dynamic Routing on a Fast Data Plane Jeff Shaw File:Dynamic Routing on a Fast Data Plane.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 Towards a single virtualized data path for VPP Zhihong Wang <zhihong.wang@intel.com> File:Towards a single virtualized data path for VPP.pptx
FD.io Mini-Summit 2016-09-26 High Speed Solutions in VPP to Accelerate Container Networking--Howto and Deep Dive Zhihong Wang <zhihong.wang@intel.com> File:High Speed Solutions in VPP to Accelerate Container Networking--Howto and Deep Dive.pptx