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The VPP external echo server/client test application (vpp_echo), is a bespoke performance test application which supports all of the VPP HostStack transport layer protocols:

  • tcp
  • udp
  • quic

Vpp_echo utilizes the 'native HostStack APIs' to verify performance and correct handling of connection/stream events with uni-directional and bi-directional streams of data. It can be found in the build tree at

$ ./build-root/build-vpp[_debug]-native/vpp/bin/vpp_echo

and as of VPP 20.01 is included in the main vpp debian package (e.g. vpp_20.01-release-amd64.deb)

Start vpp1 and attach the server application:

$ ./build-root/build-vpp_debug-native/vpp/bin/vpp_echo uri tcp://vpp1_ip/port

Then start vpp2 and attach the client:

$ ./build-root/build-vpp_debug-native/vpp/bin/vpp_echo client uri tcp://vpp1_ip/port

The current command line options for vpp_echo are:

Usage: vpp_echo [socket-name SOCKET] [client|server] [uri URI] [OPTIONS]
Generates traffic and assert correct teardown of the hoststack

  socket-name PATH    Specify the binary socket path to connect to VPP
  use-svm-api         Use SVM API to connect to VPP
  test-bytes[:assert] Check data correctness when receiving (assert fails on first error)
  fifo-size N[K|M|G]  Use N[K|M|G] fifos
  mq-size N           Use mq with N slots for [vpp_echo->vpp] communication
  max-sim-connects N  Do not allow more than N mq events inflight
  rx-buf N[K|M|G]     Use N[Kb|Mb|GB] RX buffer
  tx-buf N[K|M|G]     Use N[Kb|Mb|GB] TX test buffer
  appns NAMESPACE     Use the namespace NAMESPACE
  all-scope           all-scope option
  local-scope         local-scope option
  global-scope        global-scope option
  secret SECRET       set namespace secret
  chroot prefix PATH  Use PATH as memory root path
  sclose=[Y|N|W]      When stream is done, send[Y]|nop[N]|wait[W] for close
  nuris N             Cycle through N consecutive (src&dst) ips when creating connections
  lcl IP              Set the local ip to use as a client (use with nuris to set first src ip)   

  time START:END      Time between evts START & END, events being :
                      start - Start of the app
                      qconnect    - first Connection connect sent
                      qconnected  - last Connection connected
                      sconnect    - first Stream connect sent
                      sconnected  - last Stream got connected
                      lastbyte    - Last expected byte received
                      exit        - Exiting of the app
  rx-results-diff     Rx results different to pass test
  tx-results-diff     Tx results different to pass test
  json                Output global stats in json
  stats N             Output stats evry N secs
  log=N               Set the log level to [0: no output, 1:errors, 2:log]
  crypto [engine]     Set the crypto engine [openssl, vpp, picotls, mbedtls]  

  nclients N          Open N clients sending data
  nthreads N          Use N busy loop threads for data [in addition to main & msg queue]
  TX=1337[K|M|G]|RX   Send 1337 [K|M|G]bytes, use TX=RX to reflect the data
  RX=1337[K|M|G]      Expect 1337 [K|M|G]bytes 

-- QUIC specific options -- 
  quic-setup OPT      OPT=serverstream : Client open N connections. 
                       On each one server opens M streams
                      OPT=default : Client open N connections.
                       On each one client opens M streams
  qclose=[Y|N|W]      When connection is done send[Y]|nop[N]|wait[W] for close
  uni                 Use unidirectional streams

  quic-streams N      Open N QUIC streams (defaults to 1) 

Default configuration is :
 server nclients 1 [quic-streams 1] RX=64Kb TX=RX
 client nclients 1 [quic-streams 1] RX=64Kb TX=64Kb