TSC Facts |
TSC Members:
Welcome to the fd.io Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Wiki. This page hosts all information associated with the fd.io TSC, including meeting schedules,, Agendas, and Minutes. To contact the TSC, send an email to the TSC mail list.
[hide]Meeting Schedule and Logistics
TSC meetings are held weekly for one hour on Thursday mornings from 8-9am Pacific Daylight Time (-7:00 GMT). Meetings are held using Webex for screen sharing and audio and IRC for recording meeting minutes.
Weekly on Thursdays from 8-9am PST. Webex Link
Meeting number: 201 476 977 Meeting password: default Join by phone +1-408-525-6800 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) +1-866-432-9903 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) Access code: 201 476 977 Numeric meeting password: 46858148
Toll Free Calling Restrictions
- #fdio-meeting room on freenode
- Web-based IRC client: https://webchat.freenode.net/
The next TSC meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 1, 2016 with the following agenda:
- Start the recording
- Roll Call, Agenda Bashing (all, 5 minutes)
- Call for any new topics for the agenda
- Good things from this week
- Honeycomb 16.09-RC1 is out
- Events - (fd.io marketing committee representative)
- Minisummit at OpenDaylight Summit - 2016-09-26 in Seattle
- Call for any other fd.io events
- DPDK Userspace 2016 in Dublin Oct 21-22, 2016
Future Agenda Items
The TSC often has forward visibility into agenda items (like creation reviews) prior to the date on which it will act on them. In order to provide visibility, a list of future agenda items (with dates) will be kept here.
- Vote on Security Response Team Charter