CSIT/csit1710 plan
From fd.io
All CSIT release deliverables should be tracked in FDio CSIT Jira using one of the following Jira Epic categories:
- 1710-Report CSIT-737.
- 1710-Test CSIT-735.
- VIRL-GetWellPlan CSIT-581.
- 1710-Optimizations CSIT-738.
- 1710-Honeycomb CSIT-734.
- 1710-Operations CSIT-739.
Release Deliverables
Name | Status | Category | Description |
Security Groups | WIP | 1710-Test | TBD |
Vnf-agent integration | WIP | 1710-Test | TBD |
Report presentation and analytics layer | WIP | 1710-Report | TBD |
AutoConfig | ToDo | 1710-AutoConfig | TBD |
Centos7 VIRL tests | WIP | VIRL-GetWellPlan | CSIT-602 Complete productization of Centos7 VPP tests for all VPP functional tests in FD.io CSIT VIRL infra. |
CSIT Framework Optimization | ToDo | 1710-Optimizations | CSIT-738 CSIT code optimizations. Description in Design Optimizations wiki. |
rls1710 Report | ToDo | 1710-Report | TBD |