An IP multicast FIB (mFIB) is a data-structure that holds entries that represent a (S,G) or a (*,G) multicast group. There is one IPv4 and one IPv6 mFIB per IP table, i.e. each time you user calls 'ip[6] table add X' an mFIB is created. A path describes either where a sent is sent to or where a packet is received from. mFIB entries maintain two sets of 'paths'; the forwarding set and the accepting set. Each path in the forwarding set will output a replica of a recieved packet. A recieved packet is only accepted for forwarding if it ingresses on a path that matches inthe accpeting set - this is the RPF check.
To add an entry to the default mFIB for the group (, that will replicate packets to Eth0/0 and Eth0/1, do:
ip mroute add via Eth0/0 Forwarding ip mroute add via Eth0/1 Forwarding
the flag 'Forwarding' passed with the path specifies this path to be part of the replication set. To add a path from Eth0/2 to the accepting (RPF) set do:
ip mroute add via Eth0/2 Accept