VPP/Java API/Plugin support
From fd.io
This page is a design proposal for Java API to support VPP plugins.
Main assumptions
- JVppRegistry holds a map of callback interfaces for JVppCore and plugins (generated together with JNI implementations based on provided api files).
- when API user sends a message, JVppRegistry delegates the call to JNI implementation provided by the particular plugin
- when JNI code receives reply, it asks the registry for appropriate callback interface and invokes callback method that corresponds to the received message reply
Problems needs to be solved
- check if single connection can be used (solve linking and shared memory issues) - prototype in progress
- provide FutureJVppFacade and CallbackJVppFacade for all plugins (prototype in progress)
- util.py that stores workarounds for messages that are not following vpe.api naming conventions needs to be extensible, just in case vpp plugins have their own peculiarities
- Java binding generator for plugins should be easily referenced during plugin build (ideally new fd.io project).