From fd.io
Meeting Details
Weekly on Wednesday from 15:00-16:00 GMT Summer Time => 16:00-17:00 CEST, 10:00-11:00 EDT, 07:00-08:00 PDT, 22:00 CST, 14:00-15:00 UTC.
Click here to register for 29-Mar-2017. Note: registration now required, to mitigate Toll Fraud.
Issues connecting to meeting? Contact: Maciek Konstantynowicz <mkonstan@cisco.com>.
- #fdio-csit room on freenode
- Web-based IRC client: https://webchat.freenode.net/
The next CSIT meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 29-March 14:00-15:00 UTC - proposed topics:
- Agenda bashing
- Inputs from LF and FD.io projects
- VPP, HoneyComb, TSC, other
- FD.io CSIT operational status
- LF infra, testing jobs: csit-vpp-functional, vpp-csit-verify-virl, csit-vpp-perf, vpp-csit-verify-hw-perf
- csit1701 follow-ups
- known issues status: vpp perf, vpp func, honeycomb func
- csit1704 plan
- Test environment
- Performance tests
- cryptodev HW & SW tests - status
- DPDK testpmd perf baseline - adding more NICs
- Perf jobs reorg
- pdrchks for vpp-dev patches
- ndrchks for regular nightly trending - baseline use cases
- ndrchks for regular weekly trending - remaining use cases
- VPP functional tests - virl
- Honeycomb functional tests - virl
- VM vhost use case tests
- Housekeeping
- wiki updates needed
- jira dashboard
- CSIT online docs