CSIT/csit1710 plan
From fd.io
Please be aware that this page is still only working version under review and more info will be added later. Information on this page might be changed or updated.
All CSIT release deliverables should be tracked in FDio CSIT Jira using one of the following Jira Epic categories:
- 1710-Report CSIT-737.
- 1710-Test CSIT-735.
- VIRL-GetWellPlan CSIT-581.
- 1710-Optimizations CSIT-738.
- 1710-Honeycomb CSIT-734.
- 1710-Operations CSIT-739.
Release Deliverables
Name | Status | Category | Description |
Security Groups | WIP | 1710-Test | TBD |
Vnf-agent integration | WIP | 1710-Test | TBD |
Report presentation and analytics layer | WIP | 1710-Report | TBD |
AutoConfig | ToDo | 1710-AutoConfig | TBD |
Centos7 VIRL tests | WIP | VIRL-GetWellPlan | CSIT-602 Complete productization of Centos7 VPP tests for all VPP functional tests in FD.io CSIT VIRL infra. |
CSIT Framework Optimization | ToDo | 1710-Optimizations | CSIT-738 CSIT code optimizations. Description in Design Optimizations wiki. |
rls1710 Report | ToDo | 1710-Report | TBD |