CSIT/CSIT Update Testbed
From fd.io
CSIT Testbeds - Adding CentOS
- CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
- Kernel version 3.10.0-327.28.3.el7.x86_64
- Qemu default: ??
- Qemu required by OPNFV/FDS:
- qemu-kvm-ev-2.3.0-31.el7_2.21.1
- https://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=12087
- includes the fix for the vhost-user reconnect support
- Create CentOS VIRL image (CSIT):
- Update Packer scripts
- Note: Ideally to have option to specify OS
- Update Cloud-img provisioning scripts (incl. topologies)
- Update Packer scripts
- Create new set of verify jobs with CentOS executor (CI-MAN)
- Add OS parameter and make the job name parametric
- Create CentOS bootstrap script (CSIT)
- Install/Purge/Download YUM packages
- Pick VIRL images for CentOS
- Verify CSIT Framework
- Make any necessary modifications (partially done)
CSIT Physical Testbed
- Install CentOS on PhyTB (CSIT)
- Configure PXE boot server - VIRL TB1
- Note: Ideally to have PXE with multiple OS to select from CentOS, Ubuntu16.04...
- Update scripts for un-attended installation (kickstart file per OS above)
- Update Ansible provisioning scripts
- Note: Ansible for multiple OS to select
- Configure PXE boot server - VIRL TB1
- Create new set of verify jobs with CentOS executor (CI-MAN)
- Add OS parameter and make the job name parametric
- Create CentOS bootstrap script (CSIT)
- Pick topologies for CentOS
- Install/Purge/Download YUM packages
- Verify CSIT Framework
- Make any necessary modifications (partially done)