CSIT development plan - background
CSIT test development priorities are aligned with VPP releases timeline, with relative dev work prioritization for each VPP release driven by perceived importance of test verification for VPP functionality and performance. Specific CSIT dev work priorities are driven by rough consensus within the project and contributors and committers availability and willingness to do work.
Following priority tagging scheme is used in this CSIT wiki and FD.io jira for CSIT:
- [$VppRlsNo-$RelPrio]
- VppRlsNo - aligned VPP release number - 16.09, 16.12, 17.03.
- RelPrio - CSIT release priority - P0 for Must Have, P1 for Should Have, P2 for Could Have
- CSIT dev work tagging examples:
- [1609-P0] - CSIT Must Have for vpp-v1609
- [1609-P1] - CSIT Should Have for vpp-v1609
- [1609-P2] - CSIT Could Have for vpp-v1609
CSIT dev work plan execution tracked on CSIT jira, with priority tags encoded as Jira labels for easy of tracking and reporting.
CSIT infra dev plan
- Hardware testbeds
- VIRL testbeds
- LF VM cloud testbeds
- Testsuite portability
- Debugability
- Multiple Operating System testing
Hardware testbeds
INSERT LINK to JIRA filter showing the live status for below functional test cases.
- [1609-P2] Scripted UCS reinstallation (prereq for multiple OS testing)
VIRL testbeds
INSERT LINK to JIRA filter showing the live status for below functional test cases.
- [1609-P1] Usage monitoring, alerting
LF VM cloud testbeds
- [1609-P2] Run POC KVM-in-KVM in LF environment; identify and eliminate any showstoppers
- [1609-P2] Run 3-node topology inside LF hosted VM cloud
Testsuite portability
- [1609-P2] Distributable VIRL
- [1609-P1] OOB access to SUTs (HW and VIRL)
Multiple Operating System testing
- [1609-Px] Be able to switch between various OS [distributions]x[versions]. *Priority depends on VPP 1609 support for multiple OS.*