Project Proposals/VPPSandbox
VPP Sandbox
Project Contact Name and Email
- Pierre Pfister, LF-ID: ppfister
Repository Name
Given VPP's broad capabilities, it is expected that numerous related small efforts as libraries, plugins or various scripts, will be developed. This project intends to facilitate efforts bootstrapping and hosting as well as providing visibility and quality code review to VPP newcomers.
The repository will host various small efforts, each consisting in a root directory. It is required that each of these directories contain a file describing the goal of the effort, the main contributors, as well as its current state and intended evolution.
In order to be hosted, efforts must fulfill the following requirements:
- They must be within the overall scope of the consortium.
- They must be plugins, libraries, scripts, or other speculative bits of functionality, all related to VPP.
- They must be and remain small. If the amount of code, the number of contributors or the activity volume becomes significant, a specific project should be created via the normal project creation process.
- They must remain either active (under-development) or used (stable and maintained). Abandoned efforts will be removed.
- They must not stay in the sandbox more than 9 months.
Initial Committers
- Pierre Pfister, LF-ID: ppfister
- Keith Burns, LF-ID: Alagalah
Vendor Neutral
No issue regarding vendor neutrality.
Meets Board Policy (including IPR, being within Board defined Scope etc)
Meets board policy as expressed in Technical Community Charter and IP Policy
- Request for Project proposal consideration
- Email:
- Date: April 21st 2016