[hide]VirtualBox configuration for FD.io Cicn tutorial at ACM ICN 17
In order to follow the tutorial and replicate what the trainers will show, you need to import the FD.io cicn.ova
into your VirtualBox (the vm has been tested with VirtualBox 5.1.26).
The virtual machine specifications are the following:
- Cores: 4
- RAM: 4GB
- Hard Drive: 20GB
- Network: 4 Adapters (1 NAT, 3 host-only)
Username: cicn Password: cicn17
Import the VM in VirtualBox
Donwload the FD.io cicn.ova
from this link
WARNING: Do not use Google Chrome to download the image, it will fail at import. It should work fine with Firefox or Safari
To import the vm select File->Import Appliance, choose the file FD.io cicn.ova
and press the import button.
Before starting the vm, you need to setup the host-only networks in your VirtualBox. The vm requires two different host-only networks. One to ssh into the machine, and the other to simulate a direct connection between two dpdk-compatible nics.
Setup Virtualbox to ssh into the vm
- Open the VirtualBox preference window, move to the Network section and then to the Host-only networks tab (File->Preferences->Network->Host-only Networks).
- Click on the Adds new host-only network icon.
- Select the new adapter and click on the Edits selected host-only network.
- Set as IPv4 address, subnet and press ok (twice).
- Select the FD.io cicn vm and press settings.
- Move to the Netwok section, then click on Adapter 2 tab.
- Attach the adapter to the host-only adapter created at step 1.
To ssh into the vm using:
$ ssh cicn@
Setup Virtualbox to simulate a link between two dpdk-compatible nics
- Open the VirtualBox preference window, move to the Network section and then to the Host-only networks tab (File->Preferences->Network->Host-only Networks).
- click on the Adds new host-only network icon.
- Select the new adapter and click on the Edits selected host-only network.
- Set as IPv4 address, subnet and press ok (twice).
- Select the FD.io cicn vm and press settings.
- Move to the Netwok section, then click on Adapter 3 tab.
- Attach the adapter to the host-only adapter created at step 1.
- Move to the Netwok section, then click on Adapter 4 tab.
- Attach the adapter to the host-only adapter created at step 1.