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'''TSC Members:'''<br>
'''TSC Members:'''<br>
* Dave Barach
* Joel Halpern (Legacy)
* Joel Halpern
* Ed Warnicke (Legacy)
* Venky Venkatesan
* Dave Wallace (VPP Rep; appointed Nov 2021)
* Ed Warnicke
* Maciek Konstantynowicz (CSIT PTL; Oct 2021)
* George Zhao
* Matthew Smith (Committer Rep; Nov 2023)
* Fan Zhang (Committer Rep; Nov 2023)
* Jeff Shaw (TSC appointee; Sep 2024)
* Dhruv Tripathi (TSC appointee; Sep 2024)
'''TSC Chairperson:'''<br>
* Dave Wallace (April 2024)
Welcome to the fd.io Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Wiki.  This page hosts all information associated with the fd.io TSC, including meeting schedules,, Agendas, and Minutes.  To contact the TSC, send an email to the [mailto:tsc@lists.fd.io TSC] mail list.
== Welcome ==
== Meeting Schedule and Logistics ==
Welcome to the fd.io Technical Steering Committee (TSC) WikiThis page hosts all information associated with the fd.io TSC, including meeting schedules,, Agendas, and Minutes.<br>
TSC meetings are held weekly for one hour on Thursday mornings from 8-9am Pacific Time (-7:00 GMT).  Meetings are held using Zoom for screen sharing and audio and IRC for recording meeting minutes.
Weekly on Thursdays from 8-9am PT.
To contact the TSC, send an email to the [mailto:tsc@lists.fd.io TSC] mail list.
[https://zoom.us/my/fastdata Zoom Meeting room ]
[https://fd.io/community/tscdocs/ Existing TSC Membership Governance Documents]
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/5301185804
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,,5301185804# or +16465588656,,5301185804#
[https://fd.io/community/tsc/ About the TSC]
Or Telephone:
== Meeting Schedule and Logistics ==  
    Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
    +1 855 880 1246 (US Toll Free)
    +1 877 369 0926 (US Toll Free)
    Meeting ID: 530 118 5804
    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=ppBOQMQTVxGYmbxNsVemC6KNo8eX2ptF
TSC meetings are held weekly for 30 minutes on Thursday mornings from 8-8:30am Pacific Time.<br>
Meetings are held using Zoom for screen sharing and audio and IRC for recording meeting minutes.
[https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/95680721199?password=a5def4e5-bce2-4983-a427-85ea55cea1d8 LFX Zoom Meeting Invitation]
[https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=cXBlbjJkZjc2YTk1NGZpZXFkbmMzYXZnMGtAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ FD.io Google Calendar]
** #fdio-meeting room on [https://freenode.net/ freenode]
** #fdio-meeting room on [https://libera.chat/]
** Web-based IRC client: https://webchat.freenode.net/
** Web-based IRC client: ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/
** Gamja Web IRC client: https://web.libera.chat/gamja/
== Agenda ==
== Agenda ==
The next TSC meeting is scheduled for Thursday 2017-12-14 with the following agenda:
* ''Start the recording''
* '''#startmeeting FD.io TSC''' || Start Meeting Recording on IRC
* ''Roll Call, Agenda Bashing (all, 5 minutes)
* '''#topic Roll Call / Agenda Bashing''' || Roll Call, Agenda Bashing (all, 5 minutes)
** 'chair' attendees (edit as necessary) on IRC:<br>'''#chair dwallacelf edwarnicke JoelHalpern mackonstan mgsmith valderrv vrpolak fan_zhang'''
** Attendees please #info <your name> on IRC
** Call for any new topics for the agenda
** Call for any new topics for the agenda
* Infra
* '''#topic Action Items''' || Review Action Items From Previous Meeting
* Events - (fd.io marketing committee representative)
** Open action items in [[TSC/Meeting Minutes | TSC Meeting Minutes]]
** [https://fosdem.org/ FOSDEM, 3 & 4 February 2018, Brussels, Belgium, Europe]
* '''#topic Infra''' || Infrastructure Status
*** CFP Closed
** 2024 Capital Equipment Equipment
** [http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-networking-summit-north-america ONS 2018 - March 26-29 - Los Angeles]
*** NVidia Servers - 1 Single Socket GraceGrace SuperServer: Operational, w/o ConnectX7 NICs
*** Do we want to do a DDF (Developer Design Forum) at ONS?
**** 6 MCX713106AS-VEAT ConnectX7 2p-200GE NICs, 12 QSFP112, 6 cables: Ordered, ETA delayed until ???
** [https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe-2018/ Kubecon Europe May 2-4 in Copenhagen]
*** ARM Equipment - Marvell DPUs, Installed, PMikus onboarding testbed
*** CFP Closed
*** AMD Equipment - AWOL: zen2 testbed slated for removal during CY2025 CSIT upgrade cycle
** Call for any other fd.io events
** State of CI/CD Pipeline
* [https://lists.fd.io/pipermail/tsc/2017-December/000626.html groups.io migration]
** State of Vexxhost based servers
* Reporting on FD.io community priorities to the LFN board
** Jenkins migration to Github Actions
* Discussion of transition to meritocratic fd.io TSC:
* '''#topic Documentation''' || FD.io Project Documentation Review
** eaw actioned to reach out to CSIT as first step
* '''#topic LFN Security Best Practices''' || [https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/Security+Best+Practices LFN Security Best Practices]
** [[TSC/draft election procedures |  draft election procedures]]
** [https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/Security+tools+adoption+survey LFN Security Tool Adoption Survey]
** [https://fd.io/governance/technical-community-charter/#tcc411 Existing TSC Membership Governance]
*** [https://www.bestpractices.dev/en OpenSSF Best Practices Badge Program]
*** SBOM generation (may require removing legacy e-build (gmake) tooling and move to native cmake)
* '''#topic Events''' || Events
** [https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/co-located-events/cloud-native-telco-day/#about ONE Summit + Cloud Native Telco Day @ Kubecon London, March 31 - April 1, 2025]
* '''#topic Website & PR''' || FD.io Marketing Committee update
** [https://github.com/fdio/site/pulls PRs]
* '''#topic Scapy & GPLv2 Licensing''' || Status of scapy use and GPLv2 license propagation
** [[VPP/MakeTestFramework | VPP 'make test' refactoring on wiki.fd.io]]
*** [https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/37015 Initial gerrit change separating non-scapy tests into ASF (A Scapy Free) framework directory.]
*** [https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/39457 Refactoring of ASF Framework & packet framework plus pcap output nomenclature improvements & pcap decoding on failure.]
* '''#topic LFN TAC/SPC/GB Updates''' || LFN TAC/SPC/GB Updates
** [https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/LFN-TAC+Minutes+2025 2025 LFN Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes]
** [https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/LFN+SPC+2024+Meeting+Minutes 2024 LFN Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Minutes]
* '''#topic 2025 FD.io Goals'''
** [[TSC/2025 FD.io Goals | 2025 FD.io Goals]]
* '''#topic TSC Budget Review''' || Review TSC Quarterly / YTD Budget vs Actual spend (TBD)
* '''#endmeeting''' || End Meeting Recording on IRC
** Start Vote on IRC: '''#startvote Approve a most brilliant, illustrious proposal? -1,0,+1''' <br> Note: '?' is required as the delimiter before the voting options
** Cast Vote on IRC: '''#vote +1''' | '''#vote 0''' | '''#vote -1'''
** End Vote on IRC: '''#endvote'''
== Future Agenda Items ==
== Future Agenda Items ==
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[[TSC/Meeting Minutes | TSC Meeting Minutes]]
[[TSC/Meeting Minutes | TSC Meeting Minutes]]
== List of all subpages (used or unused) ==
{{Special:PrefixIndex |prefix=TSC|hideredirects=1}}

Latest revision as of 16:51, 13 February 2025

TSC Facts

TSC Members:

  • Joel Halpern (Legacy)
  • Ed Warnicke (Legacy)
  • Dave Wallace (VPP Rep; appointed Nov 2021)
  • Maciek Konstantynowicz (CSIT PTL; Oct 2021)
  • Matthew Smith (Committer Rep; Nov 2023)
  • Fan Zhang (Committer Rep; Nov 2023)
  • Jeff Shaw (TSC appointee; Sep 2024)
  • Dhruv Tripathi (TSC appointee; Sep 2024)

TSC Chairperson:

  • Dave Wallace (April 2024)


Welcome to the fd.io Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Wiki. This page hosts all information associated with the fd.io TSC, including meeting schedules,, Agendas, and Minutes.

To contact the TSC, send an email to the TSC mail list.

Existing TSC Membership Governance Documents

About the TSC

Meeting Schedule and Logistics

TSC meetings are held weekly for 30 minutes on Thursday mornings from 8-8:30am Pacific Time.
Meetings are held using Zoom for screen sharing and audio and IRC for recording meeting minutes.

LFX Zoom Meeting Invitation

FD.io Google Calendar


    • Start Vote on IRC: #startvote Approve a most brilliant, illustrious proposal? -1,0,+1
      Note: '?' is required as the delimiter before the voting options
    • Cast Vote on IRC: #vote +1 | #vote 0 | #vote -1
    • End Vote on IRC: #endvote

Future Agenda Items

The TSC often has forward visibility into agenda items (like creation reviews) prior to the date on which it will act on them. In order to provide visibility, a list of future agenda items (with dates) will be kept here.

Meeting Minutes

TSC Meeting Minutes

List of all subpages (used or unused)

TSCTSC/2022 Chair electionTSC/2023 FD.io Goals
TSC/2024 Chair ElectionTSC/2024 FD.io GoalsTSC/2025 FD.io Goals
TSC/Meeting MinutesTSC/Proposed Header Python Test ScriptsTSC/Relicensing Procedure
TSC/draft election proceduresTSC/fdio lab funding proposalTSC:Vulnerability Management
TSC:Vulnerability Management v2