Honeycomb/Releases/1609/Installing binaries from packages

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Honeycomb binary package dependencies


Honeycomb needs Java 8 to run. It installs openjdk-8 as a dependency.


Honeycomb runs on top of VPP. It installs VPP as a dependency if not already present.

NSH (optional)

Honeycomb provides optional support for VPP's plugin: NSH_SFC. It is a suggested dependency, so if wanted, install honeycomb with --install-suggests switch.


CentOS 7.2 - Honeycomb Release RPMs

Add fd.io repo

Create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/honeycomb-release.repo with contents:

name=honeycomb release branch latest merge

Install honeycomb packages

sudo yum install honeycomb


Ubuntu 14.04 - Honeycomb Release DEB

  • Add openjdk-8 repository. 1404 does not provide openjdk-8 by default
 According to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32942023/ubuntu-openjdk-8-unable-to-locate-package
  • Pick Ubuntu version:
 export UBUNTU="trusty"
  • Then run:
 sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/99fd.io.list
 echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.ubuntu.$UBUNTU.main/ ./" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/99fd.io.list
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install honeycomb
  • Uninstall previously installed java 7
 look for packages e.g. openjdk-7-* and uninstall them

Ubuntu 16.04 - Honeycomb Release DEB

For Ubuntu 16.04, the packages are not published to 1604 repository. But the packages for ubuntu 1404 repository can be safely used.

Note: The service definition is written for upstart, not systemd, so in ubuntu 16.06 one might have to start honeycomb using script: /opt/honeycomb/honeycomb-start

Running honeycomb

Honeycomb/Releases/1609/Running Honeycomb#Starting_Honeycomb_agent