Search results
Create the page "Promotion Proposal" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
- [[Category:Promotion Proposal]]539 B (88 words) - 15:13, 18 January 2018
- Subject: Promotion Proposal for ${projectName} The committers of ${projectName} have voted to seek promotion to Core State:425 B (63 words) - 15:17, 18 January 2018
Page text matches
- == Instructions for Promotion to a Mature Project == ...technical-community-charter/#tcc3343 the Technical Community Charter Promotion Review requirements] to get a clear picture of what is required.1 KB (202 words) - 16:23, 18 January 2018
- [[Category:Promotion Proposal]]539 B (88 words) - 15:13, 18 January 2018
- == Instructions for Promotion to a Mature Project == ...wser bar. This will copy in the [[Graduation_Proposal/Template|Graduation Proposal Template]] into your new page.1 KB (202 words) - 15:09, 18 January 2018
- Subject: Promotion Proposal for ${projectName} The committers of ${projectName} have voted to seek promotion to Core State:425 B (63 words) - 15:17, 18 January 2018
- ** Provide the link to the project proposal page and the TSC meeting notes with approval * '''Self-Service Committer Promotion'''4 KB (534 words) - 20:38, 15 May 2020