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This list common situations which can be met by sweetcomb users:

Corrupted sysrepo datastore


[ERR] Error by processing of the subscribe request (session id=1370288309): Invalid expression..
[ERR] Error by processing of the request.
[ERR] Error by processing of the unsubscribe request (session id=1370288309): The item expected to exist is missing.
[ERR] Error by processing of the request.
[ERR] (ietf_interface_subscribe_events:660) Error by initialization of the sc_interfaces plugin.


Reinstall sysrepo and netopeer YANG models

make distclean
make install-extra-deps #Reinstall Yang models for netopeer2-server
make install-models #Reinstall sweetcomb YANG models

Privilege problem

If you have Operation not permitted messages, please try connecting as root.