From fd.io
Meeting Details
Weekly on Wednesday 14:00 UTC => 08:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST, 22:00 CST. FD.io CSIT Zoom meeting room.
Topic: FD.io CSIT Project Meeting Time: this is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/732592939 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,732592939# or +16465588656,,732592939# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 877 369 0926 (Toll Free) or +1 855 880 1246 (Toll Free) Meeting ID: 732 592 939 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/cJAmPpQyY
Issues connecting to meeting? Contact: Maciek Konstantynowicz <mkonstan@cisco.com>.
- #fdio-csit room on freenode
- Web-based IRC client: https://webchat.freenode.net/
The next CSIT meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 22-August 14:00-15:00 UTC. Proposed topics:
- Agenda bashing.
- Inputs from LFN and FD.io projects:
- VPP, HoneyComb, DMM, TSC.
- FD.io docs working group - meetings.
- CSIT operational status:
- LF infra.
- Jenkins jobs: per VPP patchset, per CSIT patchset, performance trending.
- VPP gerrit rechecks.
- VPP code performance:
- Releases:
- rls1804 known issues updates.
- rls1807
- rls1807 plan.
- Report status, test data.
- Jobs schedule for executing rls1807 tests.
- Framework:
- New integration tests.
- VPP_Device 1-Node testbed design, TWS calls.
- VPP_Path: CSIT_VIRL migration progress.
- [VPP_Path_Device: tests for new 3-Node and 2-Node Skx and Arm testbeds].
- VPP code performance monitoring:
- Analytics: Anomaly detection.
- Analytics: Per VPP patch vs. parent performance tests and voting (-1/0/+1).
- PAL: Performance trending.
- PAL: adding "vpp show run" - on hold.
- VAT to PAPI - time for baby steps?
- New integration tests.
- Tests.
- TRex
- TRex upcoming features: ASTF interactive, Integration with Linux host stack (ARP will work - hurrah), HdrHistogram.
- HdrHistogram: TRex rls TBC, need knob to enable/disable, another knob for resolution (default 1%).
- FD.io CSIT lab infra.
- New FD.io CSIT lab.
- Testbeds overview.
- Inventory got updated.
- 4 * mcx556a-edat NICs arrived.
- LF IT installation status.
- CSIT commissioning status.
- Arm additions.
- Multiple Linux distros support.
- Atom additions (Netgate, Intel).
- New FD.io CSIT lab.
- DMM CSIT status.
- Fd.io Events - (fd.io marketing committee representative)
- Housekeeping.
- wiki updates, jira tracking.