Difference between revisions of "CSIT"

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(Remove Juraj from committers.)
(Bring back List of all subpages.)
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* Tibor Frank
* Tibor Frank
* Maciek Konstantynowicz
* Maciek Konstantynowicz
* Juraj Linkes
* Peter Mikus
* Peter Mikus
* Vratko Polak
* Vratko Polak
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== Start Here ==
== Start Here ==
* [[CSIT/Description | What is CSIT (Continuous System Integration and Testing)?]]
* [[CSIT/Description | What is CSIT (Continuous System Integration and Testing)?]]
* [https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/overview/csit/design/ CSIT Design]
* [[CSIT/Design_Optimizations | CSIT System Design]]
* [https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/overview/c_dash/design/ CDASH Design]
* [[CSIT/Documentation | Getting started with CSIT development]]
* [[CSIT/Submitting Patches|Submitting Patches to CSIT]]
* [[CSIT/csit-test-naming|CSIT Test Naming]]
* [https://jira.fd.io/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=8 CSIT Development Tasks (Jira)]
* [https://jira.fd.io/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=8 CSIT Development Tasks (Jira)]
* [https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/ CSIT Jenkins Jobs ]
* [[CSIT/Jobs|CSIT Jenkins Jobs ]]
* [https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/overview/csit/branching_strategy/ CSIT Branching Strategy]
* [[CSIT/Branching Strategy|CSIT Branching Strategy]]
* [https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/infrastructure/fdio_dc_testbed_specifications/ FD.io CSIT testbeds specification]
* [https://github.com/FDio/csit/blob/master/docs/lab/testbed_specifications.md FD.io CSIT testbeds specification (on github mirror)] and on [https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/docs/lab/testbed_specifications.md git.fd.io]
* [https://csit.fd.io/ CSIT Performance Dashboard]
* [https://csit.fd.io/ CSIT Performance Dashboard]
** [https://csit.fd.io/trending/ Performance Trending]
** [https://csit.fd.io/trending/ Performance Trending]
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== Test Reports ==
== Test Reports ==
* [https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/release_notes/current/ CSIT-2402 Test Report]
* [https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/release_notes/previous/csit_rls2310/ CSIT-2310 Test Report]
* [https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/release_notes/previous/csit_rls2306/ CSIT-2306 Test Report]
* [https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls2302/report/ CSIT-2302 Test Report]
* [https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls2302/report/ CSIT-2302 Test Report]
* [https://s3-docs.fd.io/csit/rls2210/report/ CSIT-2210 Test Report]
* [https://s3-docs.fd.io/csit/rls2210/report/ CSIT-2210 Test Report]
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*** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTjSHCgRpIg&list=PLWHpG2-3ZXXuFm0r_TmpxzUV-Rr8L7Uc-&index=23 Day Three - 3.5 Introduction to CSIT]
*** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTjSHCgRpIg&list=PLWHpG2-3ZXXuFm0r_TmpxzUV-Rr8L7Uc-&index=23 Day Three - 3.5 Introduction to CSIT]
* [[CSIT/TOIs | CSIT TOI Sessions]]
* [[CSIT/TOIs | CSIT TOI Sessions]]
* [[CSIT/CSIT Developer Documentation Notes | CSIT Developer Documentation Notes]]
== List of all subpages (used or unused) ==
{{Special:PrefixIndex |prefix=CSIT|hideredirects=1}}

Revision as of 14:11, 20 January 2025

CSIT Facts

Project Lead: Maciek Konstantynowicz

  • Tibor Frank
  • Maciek Konstantynowicz
  • Juraj Linkes
  • Peter Mikus
  • Vratko Polak
  • Dave Wallace

Repository: git clone https://gerrit.fd.io/r/csit
Mailing List: csit-dev@lists.fd.io
Jenkins: jenkins silo
Gerrit Patches: code patches/reviews
Bugs: CSIT bugs

Get Involved

Start Here

Test Reports

CSIT Code Documentation


List of all subpages (used or unused)

CSITCSIT/AArch64CSIT/Branching Strategy
CSIT/CSIT Developer Documentation NotesCSIT/CSIT LF VIRL testbedCSIT/CSIT LF testbed
CSIT/CSIT Update TestbedCSIT/Compute hardware settingsCSIT/DPDK16.07 performance
CSIT/DescriptionCSIT/Design OptimizationsCSIT/Documentation
CSIT/FuncTestPlanCSIT/Honeycomb/HC1704 planCSIT/Honeycomb/HC1707 plan
CSIT/Honeycomb/HC performanceCSIT/Honeycomb/StatusCSIT/Honeycomb/Summary
CSIT/Meeting-minutes-2019-12-18CSIT/Meeting MinutesCSIT/Meeting Minutes 2016
CSIT/Meeting Minutes 2017CSIT/Meeting Minutes 2018CSIT/Meeting Minutes 2019
CSIT/Meeting Minutes 2020CSIT/Meeting Minutes 2021CSIT/Meeting Minutes 2022
CSIT/Meeting Minutes 2023CSIT/Meeting Minutes 2024CSIT/PerfTestPlan
CSIT/PerfTestPlan/SRv6CSIT/PerformanceTrendingAnalysisCSIT/Submitting Patches
CSIT/Testbeds: Xeon Hsw, VIRL.CSIT/Testbeds: Xeon Skx, Arm, Atom.CSIT/Tracking
CSIT/VPP-16.06 Test ReportCSIT/VPP-16.06 Test Report DraftCSIT/VPP-16.06 Test Report Sandbox
CSIT/VPP-16.09 Test ReportCSIT/VPP-16.09 Test Report DraftCSIT/VPP-ubuntu-compare-1404to1604
CSIT/VPP Device test designCSIT/VnetInfraPlanCSIT/csit-func-jobs-reorg-proposal
CSIT/csit-perf-tc-naming-changeCSIT/csit-test-namingCSIT/csit1701 plan
CSIT/csit1701 report outlineCSIT/csit1704 planCSIT/csit1707 plan
CSIT/csit1710 planCSIT/csit1801 planCSIT/csit1804 plan
CSIT/csit1807 planCSIT/csit1810 planCSIT/csit1901 plan
CSIT/csit1904 planCSIT/csit1908 planCSIT/csit2001 plan
CSIT/csit2005 planCSIT/csit2009 planCSIT/csit2101 plan
CSIT/csit2106 planCSIT/csit2110 planCSIT/csit2202 plan
CSIT/csit2206 planCSIT/csit2210 planCSIT/csit2302 plan
CSIT/csit2306 planCSIT/csit2310 planCSIT/csit2402 plan
CSIT/csit2406 planCSIT/csit2410 planCSIT/csit2502 plan
CSIT/csit lab 2022 planCSIT/csit tg serversCSIT/fdio csit lab ext lld draft
CSIT/long1076vs1080-ubuntu1404vs1604-thput-incrCSIT/old yaml wip modelCSIT/perf1609-draft
CSIT/vhostuser test scenariosCSIT/vnetinfra1609-draft